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Section 1. Administrators

The www.lemacoho.com Website (referred to as “the Site”) is administered by: The sole proprietorship Léma Céramique (Léa Hochedé), under the SIRET number 92324871000017 and the sole proprietorship Coho Céramique (Marie-Chantal Cortes), under the SIRET number 95071283600010, whose registered offices are located at Chemin de la Mairie 20129 Bastelicaccia.
The host of the Website www.lemacoho.com is XXXX.
You can contact us at the following addresses: Léma Céramique: XXXX@lemacoho.com Coho Céramique: XXXX@lemacoho.com
The use of the Site and the purchases of Products offered on the Site are subject to these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “General Terms and Conditions of Use”). By using the Website you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted without reservation these General Terms and Conditions of Use. Similarly, by using the Site you acknowledge the confidentiality provisions of the Site.
Léma Céramique and Coho Céramique may at any time modify and update these General Terms and Conditions of Use. The General Conditions of Use in force at the time of use of the Site are those that are enforceable against you.
We advise you to keep yourself regularly informed of the conditions in force.

Section 1. Intellectual property

All elements provided by Léma Céramique and Coho Céramique for the Site www.lemacoho.com (texts, photographs, illustrations, logo, icons, available files, etc.) are the exclusive property of Léma Céramique or Coho Céramique, and are, where applicable, protected by French laws and international texts relating to the respect of copyright, drawings and models and patents.
The reproduction and/or representation of these elements is only authorized for information purposes for strictly personal and private use. The presentation of one of the pages of this Site in a web page not belonging to Léma Céramique or Coho Céramique is prohibited. Similarly, the establishment of hypertext links to any page other than the home page of this Site requires the prior and express written consent of Léma Céramique or Coho Céramique.

Article 2. Personal data and cookies

All information in your Account is only used in connection with your business relationship with www.lemacoho.com. This information is never shared with third parties or resold. Finally, your banking information is never in our possession. Transactions are fully processed by the secure payment module of our partner STRIPE. The Site uses Cookies of which the User is informed when arriving on the Website which make it possible to record information relating to the navigation of the computer on the Website. These Cookies are only installed after acceptance by the User, the continuation of navigation on the Website being worth acceptance. The User may oppose the use of these Cookies by configuring his browser, knowing that access to certain services may require the User’s prior acceptance of Cookies.

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